Citizenship law is a branch of law in which the responsibilities and rights of citizens, depending on the laws and rules of the country, are expressed.
Foreigners law and immigration law are the branches of law that a state or country applies to foreigners coming to a country.
Real estate law is a field in which individuals from all walks of life find themselves in one way or another.
It is a set of rules that affects transactions and contracts in international trade activities and is made up of national and international regulations.
It is a branch of law that protects the rights of the intended transaction and offers for legal protection in the case of a potential breach of contract.
It assists several domestic and international companies with legal advice at all stages of merger, division, and acquisition, joint partnership, and partial separation projects.
Consultancy service on various issues for all kinds of energy investments in Electricity, Natural Gas, Petroleum and LPG markets.
It is a branch of law that helps to regulate economic activities, deals with all legal issues in companies and companies and commercial activities in a legal sense.
The family is known as the smallest building unit of society and has a great role in the existence of society.
Compensation receivables such as severance pay, notice indemnity, bad faith compensation, compensation for not starting work and overtime pay, work accident transactions.
Administrative law, simply put, is a branch of law that is positioned as a regulator in the relations between the state and private persons. It is necessary to act in accordance with the defining rules of the law in the relations of the state and sta
It is all of the activities that serve to fulfill the requests arising from the substantive law by the competent organs and power of the state.
It is the branch of law that regulates the illegal acts that are considered as crimes by the organs of the state and the sanctions to be applied to the crime, the punishment and the implementation of the punishment.
Tax is money that the state receives from citizens to cover public expenditures based on its sovereign power.
In the face of the size and complexity of economic and commercial life, it aims to maintain competition between companies and ensure fair competition conditions.
It is a field that affects not only individuals but also companies. Many companies have personal data responsibilities under a registration obligation.